Another my recommended web game! This time even I don't believe this is a web game, given the quality and madness! A rythm game with Guitar Hero-like playing style!
My brother pleaded me to use this new operating system from Microsoft, and since I want to format my computer anyway, it wouldn't hurt to install Windows 7first and see what happens.
Microsoft releases their Microsoft Windows 7, and Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 following not long after. Just recently they release Technical Preview for Microsoft Office 2010. Here's my first look on this new office support from Microsoft.
Suatu hari kutemukan bunga di tepi jalan siapa yang menanamnya tak seorangpun mengira (one day I found flowers beside the road, who eat it I don't know).
Captain Tsubasaby Bandai-NamcoReleased: Oct 19, 2006