Jumat, 12 Juni 2009

The Sims 3 First Impression

Start of holidays, took The Sims 3, and enjoyed it!

Started The Sims 3, what interesting is now they formally support mods. The Sims 2 is heavily mod-able, and have tons of mods floating in the net, which also raises the reputation for the game. I think that what made EA consider supporting mod for The Sims, which is a good thing anyway.

Then starting a new game. Only one neighborhood is available, a down from The Sims 2 which offered 3 neighborhoods. A disappointment, but only until I opened the neighborhood.

And hey! I found many things in the neighborhood. Malls, bookstores, restaurants, pools, and many others. So to start playing, I had to choose one of the family available or make a new sim. So I went to the create a sim menu.

OK, create a sim menu were usual. You get a name, setting your face, your aspirations, and others. Another down here is I didn't find face scanning feature. It would help to use that feature.

Moving the family to one of the house. And the old The Sims gaming style begins. They changed camera controls, but it wasn't to difficult to master it. Now we able to rotate thing diagonally. Good one.

Searching a job, got the police one. What amazed me most is when you have reached high ranks in your career, you got a free car! So it's like when you become a president you got a president car (in Indonesian, mobil dinas). Verryy coooll!

And now you can visit your neighborhoods! Shopping in the mall, and many more! The Sims 3 is the best The Sims up to date in my opinion!

+ Many new things to explore!
+ Many new things to explore!
+ Many new things to explore!
+ Many new things to explore!
- No face scanning feature.

2 komentar:

  1. ada expansion pack buat liat ke dalam gedungnya ga ya klo mo mkn di restoran atau nonton teather dll??

  2. Emm kayaknya si sampe expansion yang trakhir (High-End Loft Stuff) blum ada, tapi mungkin ada di masa yang akan datang :d


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