Jumat, 19 Juni 2009

For the Future

Starting next new semester, our school will apply new regulations (as the get their ISO 7001 - 2000 and feel like an international school).

Some of it are:

1. School starting at 6.45 AM and ends at 2.30 PM.
2. Effective days would be from Monday to Friday. Saturday would be used for club activities for fourth and fifth year, while sixth year would have homeroom and/or college promotions.
3. Moving class will be implemented.

I pretty much *hearing some sound from some court: OBJECTION!* all of the new regulations. School starting at 7.00 AM was already freaking me out, now 6.45 would be futher crazes me out T_T. Plus student absence in Saturday shouldn't be an obligatory, or it wouldn't be any meaning in making five effective days since the student would still come to school anyway.

As for moving class, I have experience it back in my old senior high school in Makassar. It's pretty much tiring that we have to revert back to the old style midway the semester. And that old style were pretty much better.

Well, I hope they would cancel that international-school-wannabe regulations.

Just my 500 rupiahs (buat beli es teh).

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