Jumat, 19 Juni 2009

MS Office 2010 First Look

Microsoft releases their Microsoft Windows 7, and Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 following not long after. Just recently they release Technical Preview for Microsoft Office 2010. Here's my first look on this new office support from Microsoft.

As you can see, what first would catch your eye is a new loading when you first startup your office. Thought that loading would take long, actually it isn't. It just only matter of seconds before Word finally starts up.

Here's the new home of Microsoft Word 13. There's not much difference with Word 12, just there is a small blue button (with office logo) on upper left screen. And when you clicked it this would appear:

A flashy blue screen. Pretty much eye catching and a nice change from the old style.

Other bundled offices mostly have (almost) similar interfaces:

PowerPoint 13 Home

Excel 13 Home

Outlook 13 is quite different though:

Outlook 13 Home

For this first look, I only covers interface changes. Maybe I could tell about some new functions or other things after trying this new office for some time.

2 komentar:

  1. Yang beda kayaknya cuma interfacenya (dikit) ama seneng aja pake sesuatu yang baru hehehe


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