Kamis, 11 Juni 2009

Hai Touch!

Our exam ends today, and I really touched this last day!

Many thanks to my friends that help me in my studies for the test! I can't believe that you remember me T_T. Maybe because that was my first time being treated like that (was used to be treated *ugh rough <-- :p="" br="" by="" credits="" don="" exam:="" for="" hey="" i="" it.="" meaning="" not="" real="" really="" so="" spam="" t="" the="" this="" touched="" was="">
1. ASP <-- help="" in="" me="" my="" span="" style="font-style: italic;">studies everyday (sorry I disturb you, but many thanks!)
2. AF <-- ---="" critical="" help="" in="" last="" me="" minutes="" moments="" span="" style="font-style: italic;" the="" to="">study
(thanks for the last day --- you make me touched!)
3. DPAN <-- ---="" also="" br="" calm="" can="" critical="" day="" finish="" for="" help="" how="" i="" in="" last="" m="" me="" moments="" mystery="" so="" test="" thanks="" the="" to="" touched="" wonder="" world="" you="">4. AM <-- but="" cool="" hahaha="" so="" span="" style="font-style: italic;">nggateli (thanks man)
5. DAK <-- 6.="" after="" and="" badminton="" blocking="" body="" br="" don="" exam="" frequently="" hehehe="" hey="" is="" just="" ok="" others...="" play="" t="" this="" your="">
Hey just how many I say I'm touched? ^_^.

A tribute to Mrs. Christ : You are not beautiful :p.

My friend so freaked up after the Haruka Naru Toki no Naka de she bought can't be run on her PS2 hahaha. I think it was the disc burning that problem, since the game hanged while in game. But well, I'll see on Saturday.

At last got The Sims 3. Graaaahhhhhhh!!!!!

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