Kamis, 30 Juli 2009

終わりなき夏永遠なる音律 First Impression

Just recently I got my hands on 終わりなき夏永遠なる音律, so I'd share my first impression on this. I'll try to be objective, but since I fast forwarded through the story (or more to don't understand Japanese :-p) maybe I'm misunderstanding some things, so feel free to correct me.

終わりなき夏永遠なる音律's story starts off with a classical music school in a rural area which Takumi (main character) is a member of it. Actually that area is already issued for an evacuation, so only few people remained in the area. Other than that, everthing is normal. The classical music club entered an event/contest. They failed get the first prize, but managed to snatch up the special prize.

Not long after, the school teachers mention up that the school will be closed at the end of the first term, regarding the evacuation. The news bring shock to all school residents. Though so, everyone accepts it, and the classical music club decides that they will play a piece in the school closing ceremony, for the last, and for eternity.

Pretty much an organized and solid story with dramatic moments here and there. Plus animated character, and great music, making up the game.

I took the character route for Rize but ended up for Karen?

Some CGs:

And SD:

My impression:

+ Music themed!
+ Good story and dramatic moments
+ Good soundtrack
+ Good CGs
+ 1024x768 resolution (well, I can't say it's a plus considering many uses it nowadays, but I'll list it anyway)
+ Animated foregrounds (character sprites?)
- Since the main conflicts are pretty much told and solved in the main story, heroines' routes are just like an extra (at least for Karen's)

Strongest point (IMO): Graphic -> Story -> Music

And now I can go with Sevens...

4 komentar:

  1. 1024 x 768 resolution mungkin karena sekarang leptop pake roselusi begituan ya?
    Sekarang wallpaper juga banyak yang resolusinya begini.

  2. Oh gak Wat, itu tergantung graphic illustratornya. Biasanya masih banyak yang make 800 x 600, soalnya kalo pake 1024 x 768 berarti makin berat kerjaan si graphic illustrator.

    Tapi dah ada beberapa yang pake HD si (1280 x 768).

  3. He... gitu ya... buatku kok biasa ja ya?
    Gini-gini aku juga sering nggambar begituan kan.

  4. Hmm...mengenai resolusi makin gede makin berat si w dapetnya dari beberapa diskusi mengenai resolusi CG...

    Tapi berhubung w bukan orang DG jadi kurang tau juga xD


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