Kamis, 30 Juli 2009

Lights Affect Plants?

I got a biology assignment by Mr. Ra**** about plant grows. Why plant grows? God? Water? Air? How does light sound? Oh speed of light.....

So the assignment is about we have to test how a factor relates with plant growth. For the experiment, I went with light. One wheat with light, one without light.

And the experiment results are:

Wheat 4th day light, too little? About 0.2 cm

Wheat 4th day nonlight, bigger is better. About 0.7 cm

Wheat 7th day light. Wait...did the volume shrink? About 0.15 cm

Wheat 7th day nonlight. Biggerrr man. About 1.6 cm (maybe).

Why this can happen? Why...why...why...? Well this because when the plant is getting sunlight, auksin hormon (which is for fasting plant growth) is dissolved, and when it's not getting one, auksin hormon works effectively fasting plant growth to sunlight direction. That's what made plant without sunlight grows faster that that did, hahahahahaha *sok master biology* (actually the one made this post didn't know anything about what he talks xD).

See you in the next generation. Hahahahahahahaha *gaya Mbah Surip*.

4 komentar:

  1. Mungkin airnya yang kebanyakan ya bram?
    kayaknya nggak butuh sebanyak itu, kok malah kebalikan to?

    Mestinya yang ada cahaya mataharinya lebih tinggi daripada yang nggak ada cahaya mataharinya.

    Wah... punya kelompokku malah dimakan tikus ama bosok gara-gara dikasih air jeruk bosok

  2. Oalah koq bisa malah make air jeruk ^_^.

    Hmm...itu juga masih misteri, soalnya ada beberapa yang gak kena cahaya matahari lebih tinggi, ada juga yang kena cahaya malah lebih tinggi.

    BTW kenapa yang kena cahaya matahari hari ke 7 tambah pendek...ternyata tanamannya mati -_-"

  3. Kan ada pHnya, kita coba ngetes pake air yang pHnya rendah, yaitu air jeruk.

    Eh... malah jadi bosok... ~A~

  4. Ooo, yang mbedain di kelompokmu pHnya to? Kelompok w pake cahaya yang gampang aja wkwkwk.

    Yang penting tugas bio selese!!! Sekarang tinggal B. Jawa...


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