Minggu, 03 Mei 2009

A Captured: Rejoice?

That untouchable figure is actually touchable.

A, a figure responsible for handling corruption cases, was interrogated for being a suspect on a killing N, a corruption suspect. Both of them are good friends since A has to deal with a corruption case in N's enterprise, and N gives his utmost support for A to do his job. But until two shots hit exactly in N's head and he passed away. A wasn't a suspect at first, until the police found out A's relevancy in the case. And he got a hold by the police.

A was a respected figure. Breaking out corruption accusations, capturing uncapturable corruptors, giving outrageous statements, not fearing of threats, A earned good deeds from the people and people had hopes for him to make the country into the right track. Especially for him being able processes those who couldn't before.

But aside from that, many people rejoiced for his capturation. Those from departements, who had their superiors captured after his accusations, delighted. And I don't know if they will have revenge now A is in their hand or not He's like an enemy to the world (well not really the world, just it's cool) now, from hero to zero.

What I confused is: is he good or bad?

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