Selasa, 31 Maret 2009

One Obstacle Passed...

The mid semester test ends today. With a quite easy (I think) subject as the last, I really enjoyed the last day. One thing I remembered is Aam, who always stay cool when answering my questions. Like when I asked the answer for question 38, Aam looked at me slowly, returning to his answer sheet, while mantaining his sit posture, looked back to me, and show me his finger. One...two...three...and...four. It's D! Man, Aam you were really cool back there xD.

Jumat, 27 Maret 2009

Aksara Jawa is Difficult? No!

Today I have undergone a test. It was Javanese!!! And it's freakin' difficult!!! I didn't have basic Javanese skills to start with so I went hibernate quickly. With blank minds. But a thanks to "that person" behind me who gave me answer from number 1 to 40 (ROFL 40 numbers). Thank you!!! You saved my life!!! (marks?)

NIDJI Ke Final!!! Battle of the Pop Memasuki Ronde Terakhir!!!

Nidji berhasil melewati rintangan Jason Mraz dan menuju ke babak final! Di sini mereka akan berhadapan dengan Rain, yang dengan "dewanya" mendapat 3000+ suara di semifinal mengalahkan Ayumi Hamasaki.

Senin, 23 Maret 2009

Batle of the Pop!!! Semifinal!!! NIDJI vs JASON MRAZ!!!

Yak saudara-saudara!!! Sekarang Battle of the Pop telah mencapai semifinal!!! NIDJI telah berjuang hingga ke semifinal dan sekarang dia dihadapkan dengan musuh yang agak berat yakni Jason Mraz!!! Nidji telah melewati berbagai halang rintang, melawan berbagai bintang musik Asia dan Amerika dan sekarang mari kita dukung atas nama Indonesia agar Nidji mampu melaju ke semifinal!!! Battleboard semifinal:

Nidjivs Jason Mraz
Rain vs Ayumi Hamasaki

Ayo dukung Indonesia untuk bicara di pentas dunia! Untuk keterangan lebih lanjut segera menuju ke TKP:

Ayo log in dan dukung idolamu! Voting ditutup tanggal 25 Maret!

See ya!

Narcissu 3!?

When I was loiteringly browsed blogs, I found out about Narcissu 3 from a blog within my friend's blog (confused? Actually I'm too :-p). Narcissu 3's subtitle is Die Dritte Welt which also means the Third World. In this installment Goto-P (who writes scenario for the older Narcissus) won't write the scenario. Also noticably is the character designs, which different from the older installments.

-a fairy tale- Went English!

As we had known, nnl started translation for ef -a fairy tale of the two- 2 years ago. It had ran well, with about 16% translated in the first 2 weeks (IIRC). But not long after, nnl confirmed that the project died, since the staffs were busy with their own life.

And just a few days ago, I crossed into a translated ef -the first tale- executable! It seems that nnl secretly working underground (or maybe just I didn't know) and just released the translation few weeks ago. Nevertheless, the patch bring a hope that ef would be translated in near future.

The patch only contains chapter one (Miyako's route). But it's a standalone executable, means people without the original ef copy, could play the game. I'd still recommend you to try it though (since it's Makoto Shinkai drawing!).

Kamis, 19 Maret 2009

Live In

Ugh, at last I returned from Live In, a project of my academy, where the students were sent to village and live with families there to experience villagers life (in Desa Seser, Pacisan, Sukorejo, Kendal) for 4 days. Actually I was so hesistant to join that I even call that project "Dillema of March". And yes, it really was a dillema. But it was about whether I would miss the village atmosphere when I come back to Semarang. But weeellll, after all my love for games is still bigger, so when I got in touch with my games again I get back with my routines :p.