Selasa, 31 Maret 2009

One Obstacle Passed...

The mid semester test ends today. With a quite easy (I think) subject as the last, I really enjoyed the last day. One thing I remembered is Aam, who always stay cool when answering my questions. Like when I asked the answer for question 38, Aam looked at me slowly, returning to his answer sheet, while mantaining his sit posture, looked back to me, and show me his finger. One...two...three...and...four. It's D! Man, Aam you were really cool back there xD.

And also for Asukawati who freaked out after seeing Miku hanging on my blog xD. It's an old thing, so after a little google you should be able to find it.

As the mid semester ended, that mean I only have one examination before going up to third grade. And 6 examinations (and one National Exam) before graduated from Senior High School. Really, nowadays I'm concerned about the faculty I would took after going to university. On one side, myself really wanted economy. But my parents would prefer me to go for doctorial. Walah2x...

The matter is what I choose will be what I'll do for the rest of my life. Since there's still one year to go, let's take the time to think it over...

2 komentar:

  1. My mother also want me to attend at FK undip. But my father says it's up to me as long as I'm serious about it. ahahahahaha

  2. Well yeah, I also think so too. It's thousand times better to do a job that you enjoy than a job with good income but you don't enjoy.


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