Minggu, 23 Agustus 2009

Traveling Around --- Part III

And then the legacy continues at the city of city, Solo (I made that myself, surely).

In Solo you can see many things, such as buildings, trees, parks, houses, people, kids, and many more (hey you can see that everywhere :-p). And for this Solo journey I went to Keraton Surakarta.

Here are some photos (again):

Entrance of Masjid Agung Surakarta

Keraton Surakarta consists of many places, such as Masjid Agung Surakarta, Traditional Market, Pasar Klewer (a traditional market actually), and many more.

Pasar Klewer (Below)

Pasar Klewer (random)

Solo is another great place you can be in, with many destinations and variations between those destinations. Especially the food (but since it's fasting month now I have to pass it :-p).

See you in the next series!

4 komentar:

  1. Solo is my father hometown! :D
    Pasar klewer is near with our house there!! XD

  2. Iya, kalo nggak salah 2 ato 3 bangjo dari arah semarang, terus belok kiri. nyampe deh di dusunnya eyangku~~~

  3. Hmhm, kemaren wa muter2x Klewernya cuma sampe pertigaan yang deket Klewer itu lo (lupa nama jalannya :-p). BTW bangjo itu apa to?


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