Senin, 06 April 2009

Dynasty Warriors 6 Review

Waking Up
Vocals: Asukawati
Drums: AAM
Keyboardist: LBS
Keroncongist: Joni
Rapper: Insan

Waking up I take a bath (yow yow)
Not forgetting brushing my teeth (teeth is brushed)
Killing myself I help my mother (i love killing myself)
Making up my dirty bed (making up with my mother)

Finished playing Dynasty Warriors 6! It's Dynasty Warriors we're talking about and everyone knows how much I love Dynasty Warriors! Here's some summary:

As everyone knows, Dynasty Warriors 6 builds up new gameplay systems to its brothers, which are:

- Renbu System
Renbu System serves as a chain to make your combos longer. The much your combos, will make your combos longer (up to 9 attacks on Renbu unlimited level IIRC). To stabilze for Renbu System addition, Koei make the AI better.
- Swimming (Not available for PS2 Version)
And there you go, it's swimming! Now the character can swim around, making more alternative routes available. You can also swim on a horse, which is an advantage since swimming on a horse can attack those who swimming on foot (but the other way can't).
- Leaping Over the Roof and Climb the Wall
Can't attack strong gate? Now you can just climb the wall and suprise attack the foes! And also you can leap over obstacles with your house (by jumping).
- Special TomesLike the special tomes in Dynasty Warriors 5 (that give you electricity-like body, making you unable to stagger from enemy attacks). In Dynasty Warriors 6, those tomes gives you different effects depend on your character.
- TargetIf you have played Musou Orochi, you'd realized that the target system is also in Dynasty Warriors 6. It's like missions (differs) in each map, fulfilling the conditions will net you EXPs.
- Skill three
To exchange for attack up 10/musou up 10 dropped by enemy generals in older DWs, Dynasty Warriors 6 implemented skill tree. Every level a character get will give you a skill point, which can be used to further strengthen your character.

Also in Dynasty Warriors 6, some gameplay aspects were removed:
- Removal of Charge Attack Combo System
Usually, when player press X,X,X,Y they would have a different combo than X,X,X,X,Y. In Dynasty Warriors 6, this system was removed. Each character only get 2 charge attacks, which is pressing Y repeatedly and holding Y for an amount of time.
- Lack of Musou Modes and characters
Now the game only get 17 characters' musou modes. That's a big downhill since the last installments. And also the characters get shortened to 25 characters (IIRC again), which lessens the replayability.

If I to review it from aspects:

Gameplay 9/10
Thoush some fans were disappointed in this game, I wasn't too. Of course, no charge attack combo were a let down for me, but overall I enjoyed the game. Especially Lu Bu
's last stage, I really went crazy with special tomes and musous.

Music 8/10
Music is overall good, though there are rarely music that I really fond of. There is one music I really I liked, Lu Bu's Theme. It is the same back from DW3 (don't know about DW2, since I don't play it), and Koei keeps remixing it in each later installments, giving a feel a reminiscence and freshness.

Graphic 9/10
People said about the graphic being a letdown for a HDTV game, but I myself don't find it quite a disappointment (or maybe I just a n00b for analysing graphics). Just that the game suffers a buffer when there are massive number of foes on screen and when playing co-op.

Personal Opinion 7/10 --> 14/20 (x2)
First, less number of characters, then no item gaining, no fourth weapon, less musou mode characters really hit DW6's replayability. Though DW6 still gives me the motivation to clear it completely, after finishing it there's a mixed feeling in me. Target system isn't enough to replace item and fourth weapon system. I hope DW7 will be better.

Total 40/50 --> 80%
I enjoyed DW6. With better AI, DW6 gives a new feeling for DW series. Though some aspects could be improved, I personally enjoyed DW6.

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