Hello folks! Long time for me not to post something.
Well, that is mostly because of (course) business in real world, and I have no time to write on the blog haha. By the way, I recently wrote about how I stopped playing visual novels, but thankful to my friend that have pledged loyalty to eroges, KDY, I was talked through to playing eroge again. Noooo!!!
Well, that is mostly because of (course) business in real world, and I have no time to write on the blog haha. By the way, I recently wrote about how I stopped playing visual novels, but thankful to my friend that have pledged loyalty to eroges, KDY, I was talked through to playing eroge again. Noooo!!!
And the eroges got the privillege to be played by me was not from one company; Lump of Sugar! Famous for their unique style of writing and Kicco sung songs, they quickly climbed the wall of eroge top companies evem though they were just being established back then in 2005. And to my suprise also, the titles I played from Lump of Sugar happened to be their first game and (recently) latest game! Why this is good? By playing both the earliest and the latest, I can easily make comparisons and development of Lump of Sugar throughout the years. So, keep in tune, my fans (as there is ^_^)!
Nursery Rhyme
by Lump of Sugar
Released: Nov 25, 2005
Taking the role of the protagonist (what else), he took the most obvious path with a vision to become popular among the heroines. This path has always been a public secret that contain a 100% percent of success. Impressive.
Skip. Skip. Skip. Skip.
Now for the scores (hahaha sorry for the skip folks, feeling lazy to write (and you can read them in v*db anyway xD):
Story 9/10
Am I someone who easily fall in dramatic story? I guess so -_-". The story is very dramatic, especially in one of the heroine. Really, I suggest you all to enjoy all the stories though, because they are good.
Graphics 8/10
Dated 6 years ago, the graphics still shine among other jewels. It is not that old, and I find design of the characters and scenes to be likeableee
Sound 8/10
I must say giving this score of 8/10 is very hard because the OPENING AND ENDING SONG ARE GODLY. But the background music is not too, so with breaking my heart I give this sound sector a score of 8 sorryyy
Personal Opinion 9/10 ---> 18/20 (x2)
A memorable title by Lump of Sugar back then in 2005, excels both in scenarion (many twists and surprises!) and sound (OPENING AND ENDING I SAY IT), it is highly recommended xD
Overall 44/50 (88%)
A masterpiece from Lump of Sugar. Arguably the best title from them, although it is the first novel to be made by them. Top recommended for first time readers and beware because it has extreme potential to make you addicted to visual novels xD
By the way you have to see the opening movie. It is really good and famous actually xD
Now the the second title. This is a title made by the same company near the end of 2010. Know why I review a title by the end of 2010? Because I intended to publish this review by the end of 2010 before the new year (now you know my secret, nooooo >_<)
Hello, Good Bye
by Lump of Sugar
Released Dec 17, 2010
Now for the scores (hahaha sorry for the skip folks, feeling lazy to write again (and you can read them in v*db again anyway xD):
Story 6/10
While the premise is good, it fails in the execution >_<. The military action is not there, the actions are fastly over, and the coolness I expect to be there is gone -_-". I liked the main grand story though
Graphics 10/10
I have to admit, the graphics are one of the best! I have no complain with the chars designs or background whatsoever, because it is so beautiful :d
Sound 9/10
Nice background music :d. Memorable and so beautiful, you can hear the music by yourself (even I have the original soundtrack :d). ONCE AGAIN, THE OPENING AND ENDING SONG ARE GODLY
Personal Opinion 6/10 ---> 12/20 (x2)
As I'm a reader more than an artist, the godly graphics and sounds do not incite my interest enough -_-". I often have to force myself to start reading, because there are little twists in the story
Overall 37/50 (74%)
The game have potential to be better, but it is passed. Though so, I recommend you all to play it and hear the soundtrack :d
*Trivia: The opening movie for Hello, Good Bye is the winner for best opening movie for visual novel in the year of 2010! I have attached the movie and you folks have to see the movie because it is so incredible xD
That's all the review folks! Stay tune and I will post more crazy posts about my surroundings wakakakaka
Am I someone who easily fall in dramatic story? I guess so -_-". The story is very dramatic, especially in one of the heroine. Really, I suggest you all to enjoy all the stories though, because they are good.
Graphics 8/10
Dated 6 years ago, the graphics still shine among other jewels. It is not that old, and I find design of the characters and scenes to be likeableee
Sound 8/10
I must say giving this score of 8/10 is very hard because the OPENING AND ENDING SONG ARE GODLY. But the background music is not too, so with breaking my heart I give this sound sector a score of 8 sorryyy
Personal Opinion 9/10 ---> 18/20 (x2)
A memorable title by Lump of Sugar back then in 2005, excels both in scenarion (many twists and surprises!) and sound (OPENING AND ENDING I SAY IT), it is highly recommended xD
Overall 44/50 (88%)
A masterpiece from Lump of Sugar. Arguably the best title from them, although it is the first novel to be made by them. Top recommended for first time readers and beware because it has extreme potential to make you addicted to visual novels xD
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Full Cast for Nursery Rhyme |
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Lump of Sugar-Nursery Rhyme. What do I say? Must play xD
Nursery Ryhme Opening!
Now the the second title. This is a title made by the same company near the end of 2010. Know why I review a title by the end of 2010? Because I intended to publish this review by the end of 2010 before the new year (now you know my secret, nooooo >_<)
Hello, Good Bye
by Lump of Sugar
Released Dec 17, 2010
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Take my Hand and We Shall Travel a World; Military xD |
Taking the role of the protagonist (what else), he took the most obvious path with a vision to become popular among the heroines. This path has always been a public secret that contain a 100% percent of success. Impressive.
Actually to be noted, now your protagonist is a secret agent from a specific army, making it cool. Full of surveillance and spying and military story plus your typical school love drama! xD
Now for the scores (hahaha sorry for the skip folks, feeling lazy to write again (and you can read them in v*db again anyway xD):
Story 6/10
While the premise is good, it fails in the execution >_<. The military action is not there, the actions are fastly over, and the coolness I expect to be there is gone -_-". I liked the main grand story though
Graphics 10/10
I have to admit, the graphics are one of the best! I have no complain with the chars designs or background whatsoever, because it is so beautiful :d
Sound 9/10
Nice background music :d. Memorable and so beautiful, you can hear the music by yourself (even I have the original soundtrack :d). ONCE AGAIN, THE OPENING AND ENDING SONG ARE GODLY
Personal Opinion 6/10 ---> 12/20 (x2)
As I'm a reader more than an artist, the godly graphics and sounds do not incite my interest enough -_-". I often have to force myself to start reading, because there are little twists in the story
Overall 37/50 (74%)
The game have potential to be better, but it is passed. Though so, I recommend you all to play it and hear the soundtrack :d
*Trivia: The opening movie for Hello, Good Bye is the winner for best opening movie for visual novel in the year of 2010! I have attached the movie and you folks have to see the movie because it is so incredible xD
Hello Good Bye Opening!
That's all the review folks! Stay tune and I will post more crazy posts about my surroundings wakakakaka
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