Rabu, 07 Oktober 2009

Angel Beats! Staffs Revealed

It's the upcoming anime from an original idea of Jun Maeda (the scenario writer for AIR, Kanon, and Little Busters! Ecstasy), so it's an expectation we'll going to see more death, death, and death! But since the characters is already from the land of the dead, how will they be dead again?! xD

The staffs has been announced just few days ago. They are:

Kishi Seiji (Seto no Hanayome, Tentai Senshi Sunred)
Art Director: Hirata Katsuzou (Strike Witches, Gurren Lagann)
Sound director: Iida Satoki (Seto no Hanayome, Tentai Senshi Sunred)
Production: PA Works (true tears, CANAAN)

The director is from Seto no Hanayome means one of my friend will love it and the production from PA Works means I'll see another True Tears epicness xD.

The story takes place in a world after death. Angels are fighting for the concluded fate and future. That's pretty much the premise of the story.

Jun Maeda said that a 21 minutes anime wouldn't be enough to tell all Angel Beats stories. This means there are possibilities they will release either Drama CD or Novel version to tell the untold stories.

By the way, here is the official website.

See you in the next post folks!

6 komentar:

  1. Enaknya aku manggil kamu pake apa ya...?

    Oh, ini anime to? aku kira game.

  2. Ya tak kira juga gitu (dari gosip katanya mau jadi gim). Tapi ternyata jadinya anime.

    Kalo diliat tokoh utamanya mirip Haruhi low.

  3. Wohhh.... ceritanya kayak gimana to?

  4. Ceritanya kurang lebih settingnya di alam abis kehidupan. Jadi ada tokoh utama dengan grupnya (parodinya SOS-Dan) mau nentang grup yang ngatur di alam lain sana.

  5. Ahahaha, sekarang nggak nafsu ama anime bot.

  6. sopo to bottttt ganti ah namanya jelek amat -_-"


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