Selasa, 01 September 2009

Traveling Around --- Part IV

Okay folks, this time my journey went to Jepara, the city known for the birthplace of R.A Kartini, a woman emancipation figure. And that's why one of my tourism destination in Jepara is called Pantai Kartini (Kartini Beach). This report is sponsored by Ca**n --- Enlightening you, always (I made that myself, maybe).

Pantai Kartini is a beach located in Jepara (heck I explained that in earlier paragraph). One of the things you'd mention first is the huge turtle statue located in center of the place. And it has a nice resemblance to a real turtle too.

Faraway the Turtle

Then just about meters away is the expected beach and some joglos (maybe?).

That's Joglos

A boat and the Beach

An island in other side of the beach

Of course, not only the beach. You can find many kaki limas (traditional food seller) at side of the beach. But since it's in fasting month, almost all of them are closed.

It's closed bro

Next destination is Benteng Portugis (Portugis' Fortress), located about 2 hours worth of travelling in car from Pantai Kartini. Located also near a beach.

You can see many oldies things here.

A cannon 'oldies'

And did I say there have many beautiful sceneries to take photo of? Here are some results (sorry if the outcome isn't so good, I'm another n00b in photographing, so AMPUN DJ xD).

From the rockside

Dark sun-side
Island of treasure

And that's my journey in Jepara. In the way back, the road was soooooo horrible. Though so, photographers must not miss sceneries in the road between Jepara - Pati, since it has many landscapes and things deserve to be taken photo of (again it's only a personal opinion from a n00b, so AMPUN DJ xD).

NB: Get ready to disco on the road Jepara - Pati xD.

That's all folks! See you in the next volume of Travelling Around!!!

Last words: I saw a hordes of watis. Hahaha.

Watis watis's ducks actually -_-".

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